We Build a House

We build a house, ancient and new; We are a people seeking light and truth. Shaped by your word… fashioned in grace–We bear your image to this time and place. These lyrics from a song Carla introduced last Fall have always touched me.  In these days when cynicism, fatigue, distrust and division seem to reign,

HOLY WEEK: Come and Find the Quiet Center

Has it always been so chaotic, such a mix of emotions and activities around this Sacred Season? I think perhaps so. There’s joy, hope, and exuberant cheers lifted by the Hosannas of the hopeful. There’s anxiety and fear swirling at the same time. There’s the urban scene of the kingdom (Jesus’ procession and community) and

The Sanctuary Calls to Us

Blessings on this gorgeous spring Saturday (yes, I said it… SPRING:))  I will dwell in Spring Mind through any last gasps of snow…  Spring calls to me.  The outdoors (going back out as soon as possible) call to me.  And, no less, the Eden sanctuary calls to me.   Carla and I will drive over tomorrow

Scout Sunday at Eden

WE’RE LOOKING FORWARD TO OUR ANNUAL GATHERING TO HONOR THE WORK OF OUR CUB SCOUTS, BOY SCOUTS, AND GIRL SCOUTS… AND MUTUAL APPRECIATION FOR OUR PARTNERSHIP.  Join us for a Zoom service broadcast from the sanctuary, and prepare for the treat of their participation in the service. Note: I’ve decide that we will not share

Be Still and Know That I Am God – Psalm 46:10a

That timeless verse is on a big sign you see as you enter (and leave) the retreat center where I spent nearly a week in Frankfort, IL. The Portiuncula Center, affectionately known as “The Port,” has been a special place for many years but I had never stayed in the hermitages before. Simple little places

Lent Prayer Calendars

An Eden Collage of Mission The season of Lent is a time of particular self-examination through the practices of fasting, prayer and giving.  Each year we invite our members to consider whether some form of  one or more of these might draw us closer to Christ’s heart and a deeper trust in the path we

Today We Got an Email. . .

“How to protect your church in a time of civil unrest.”  From our denomination’s insurance board. Wow, if that was not a sobering moment…. I passed on to council and trustees, and there are some nuggets about preparedness and organizational operations that will be relevant and helpful to us. These material matters… matter. We’ll be


With our “own eyes” we have seen a tragic display of despair, bravado, violence and division play out in our nation’s capitol this week. I am in shock, as you may well be. I understand secondhand that this has not happened since the British invaded the capitol in 1814. I’ve been too busy to research

Merry Christmas, Edenfolk!

We pray a beautiful Christmastide for you all.  Here’s a link to a YouTube Christmas music collection I’ve been enjoying all week.   And here’s a wonderful internet excerpt Fritzi Fleck found and shared, a meditation on the conjunction earlier this week: “In the year when Jesus was born, there was violence, chaos, political and social