Grateful Grateful Grateful . . .

It’s been a “rich” week – demanding, sad, grace-filled, BUSY, hope-filled.  Connected and connecting.  In this moment I am most centered on gratitude.  Grateful in the moment for volunteers MIke and Nora Edens and Linda Stirk for getting our annual appeal mailing together, and the amazing Erin for help with design. President Ed and I

“I Sing a Song of the Saints of God”

Click HERE for a special Music for Meditation, a virtual choir singing this hymn so appropriate to the intentions we share this week.___________________________________________________________________ For all the saints, who from their labor rest… Join us Sunday for our special “Totenfest” Service of Remembrance at 10 am, both in-person and via Zoom. It’s not too late to

Hot Dogs and Halloween

I’m not saying HOT DOGS are sin, exactly… Let’s enjoy the iconic amazing place and take in their generosity this weekend!  A special invite to join me for my annual hot dog on Saturday at noon:) But as for Sunday… let’s prepare to remember (or learn for the first time) a couple stories that reveal

A Whirlwind, Indeed

A colleague with whom I labor closely teases me sometimes that I am like a whirlwind.  I get what he means, given my plate and pace, but I usually smile and remind him “Deep, deep, deep, deep down I am calm:))” Well, I am human so some days that’s more true than others.  For sure, I

A Guiding Presence… 

We need it, we long for it, we pray for it.  This Sunday, we’ll grapple with a hard Biblical story (there are a lot of them).  Abraham’s near-sacrifice of son Isaac, upon hearing the “guidance” of God to do so.  What does discerning God’s guidance mean? How could he have done that? Was it really

What a Gorgeous Friday!

Got caught up a bit on neglected gardens.  Began planning for a memorial service to be held this Fall. Enjoyed watching Renaissance team love on our building.  In a few minutes I will be giving a tour of Eden to one of our longest and best friends, Craig, visiting from Seattle.  He’s one of my ministry mentors,


Yes, there is a “season for everything” (including apparently non-gentleness).  Yes, we say with Paul that the capacity for gentleness is a fruit of “the Spirit.” Yes, the world seems so entirely lacking in gentleness in this Time.  This is also true — There is a Christ-like path and power that is STRONG in gentleness,

What Kind of Peace?

What on earth might Christ’s Peace look like in this world, in this moment?  Join us Sunday morning for Week 3 of the current Fruits of the Spirit series. No easy answers, plenty of questions. Some lessons and stories from me… please bring your own to “top of mind.” In Christ’s Peace,Pastor Jacki PS, Speaking

Do We Have to Choose Joy?

Well, yes and no.  Like many gifts of truth on the spiritual journey, there’s a paradox to understand. A “both-and.”  Paul says joy is a “fruit” of the Spirit. A result, an outcome, a product of One who is greater than us. So, it’s not OUR choice? Well, yes and no… Let’s ponder together this