Worshipful Work

What does that mean?  For me, it means any task I take up as an individual or as part of a community like Eden, where I am particularly AWARE of the significance of it. Maybe it’s because I am reminded of its part for the larger whole. Maybe it’s because I am able to name

It’s Been a Bright Spot!

In a month of  a near-miss asteroid, raining fish in Texas,  Omicron everywhere, dreadful spikes in crime, disturbing social divisions and disheartening national politics… A few of our local neighborhood church leaders have crafted a vision for tomorrow’s ecumenical worship. We’ll meet at Trinity Lutheran, 5106 N LaCrosse AND BY ZOOM. * For prayer and

Epiphany 2022

Yesterday was Epiphany – the conclusion of Chistmastide and the celebration of the “revealing” of Jesus Christ. Stories of magi, the blessings of Simeon and Anna, his own baptism, and the Cana wedding miracle are some of the stories we treasure in these first weeks of each year. The stories of the Lord’s wisdom and

Merry Christmas

Thanks to all who led Christmas Eve worship last night: Daryl, Penny and Katie Dahmer, Jenn Peterson, Rachel Tollett, Marty Devine, Carla Riggs, Gene Schnarr, Sandy Bechtolsheim and Sarah Foster. HUGE thanks to David Angel who heroically managed tech difficulties strange and worse than we’ve experienced in some time.  Deep appreciation. Thanks to Katie Dahmer

The Hopes and Fears of All the Years . . .

“are met in thee tonight.” Liturgically and technically that’s tomorrow night, Christmas Eve.  But that phrase has been on my heart all month.  This is a day that tests our hope, a day of elusive hope. It is a day in which we need to dwell wisely amid our own and our collective fears.  It

Advent Joy

MANY THANKS to the crew who served in pulling together last week’s Art & Vendor Fair.  Watch for a full report in Echo, but know we celebrated some holiday cheer, brought some nourishment and light to our neighbors and brought in $800-900.  THANKS to Girl Scouts and leaders, especially Tomi, Cathy, Jenn and Kim, Boy

Finding Our Way

That’s what we’re all doing, this Advent and always! (This will be a bit of theme for us in coming weeks, on the heels of Sarah’s great sermon last week.  Know that at Eden we’re committed to deepening in grace and truth about this, and in Christ-like compassion for one another and this world.  That’s

Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace

It will be a couple weeks before this familiar passage from Isaiah is refreshed for our conscious attention, but it has been powerfully on my mind this week. Why? Maybe because many of the churches in our tradition and others close to it observe “Christ the King” Sunday this week. Sensitive to the possible mis-use