Relationships, Relationships, Relationships

Yes. I’m saying THAT again.  On the other side of our trip to North Dakota and too few days with grieving family, it’s on my mind.  For the long challenging road of pain and testing my family will face, it’s on my mind.  For the regrets I carry about my past emotional distance from family-

God is Close to the Broken Hearted.

The Lord is near to the broken-hearted,   and saves the crushed in spirit. This is the Truth when there are no answers: God is close. God will sustain. As we learn to allow this sustaining, to sense it, our spirit will indeed be safeguarded. We’ll note when we are learning it, but (thank God!) God’s peace and grace

These are wrenching times.

These are wrenching times.  From our limited human perspective, it may seem sometimes like an unraveling around us, a spiraling of division and decay.  Many evidence of people being, apparently, their worst selves.  Perhaps there’s some greater unveiling or humbling at work.  Perhaps not. Perhaps that depends on us. These are beautiful times.   Graduations, reunions,

Forward in Faith – A Pilgrimage, A Perception

The phrase “Forward in Faith” is all over our Eden Past. The phrase is on our anniversary booklets of past big gatherings, fundraising visions from the 1950s on and a good number of annual anniversary services like tomorrow’s.  We’re celebrating 109!  It’s a very good, sound biblical theme and its simplicity is appealing.  Perhaps, though, in

Savoring Ash Wednesday

I’ve been carrying with me this week the tender beauty of the music and Word we shared Wednesday night, and the opportunity to meditate freshly on the grace underneath the call to “walk with Jesus.”  In the 40 days of Lent, we are invited to go deeper in a renewing way that will bless and

“The Soul Longs for Roots” – Simone Veil

This was on my heart and mind as I prepared to meet the folks of Eden NINE YEARS AGO this Sunday as a guest consultant at Steve and Hope’s invitation.  Wow, the time flies. As I greeted you in announcements that day I said these things: I love the small church (still do). l love

Rest: The Invitation We Need

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on