We’re Rallying!

“Let there be light” certainly is drawn from the Genesis 1 text we’ll be reflecting on this Sunday, as we turn to our Fall season of treasuring teachings and stories of our Jewish ancestors.  Why not start at the beginning?   “Let there be light” might also refer to the parlor lights (or others) now fixed

If Ever There Was a Need for Rally Day!

Many churches across the Body of Christ celebrate a “Rally Day” near the beginning of the program year, with the end of summer and routine programs resuming. At Eden historically it has a very clear focus on our children and youth Christian Education opportunities. (This will be more subtle Sunday, and interwoven into activities of

We’re “Returning” – Not “Reopening”

In the Christian rhythm of the ages, we have steadily hosted worship weekly on Sunday mornings every week since March 22nd.  Worship attendance has been steady, arguably “up” in comparative summer terms. We never closed. We continued fellowshipping and learning on Tuesdays, and praying on Wednesdays (online and then later in the sanctuary). Some have

Trust in the Slow Work of God

That’s one thing on my mind as I think of labors (and labor pains) of all kinds.  Read more at this lovely prayer-poem.  And metaphors of God’s intention such as the pottery creation (throat clearing, and pottery discarding…) which we read about in Jeremiah.   I ask myself: Am I shape-able?  I’m also constantly wrestling with the

Which Article Should I Write?

Quite a few projects are on my plate. A gaggle of thoughts are on my mind. A few and diverse streams of feelings on my heart. Since you might guess I like to write, you can be assured I could write an epistle every day if I had the stamina. 🙂 Here’s one thing. I’ve

Not Just Another “Should”

Loving each other is not just a part of the Greatest Commandment. It’s the Greatest Invitation. The Greatest Promise.  Did you know that some scholars of the Ten Commandments believe the verbs are not really best translated “Thou Shalt Not”… but instead “You will not”?  That is, God is laying out a vision of the people

Labors of Love, Sweet Labors of Love

This week has been filled with encouragement amid the demands so pressing. Pastor Steve Angel, our Pastor Emeritus, reached out with blessings and vision for us that landed  in some very timely texts to my phone. The Fundraising Committee had a fruitful meeting with efficiency AND deep discernment and unity (they don’t always go together

Zoom at the Altar This Sunday!

Blessings and peace everyone.  It looks like we’re ready to start growing into a worship experience via Zoom which is more tied to the sanctuary.  There are plenty of tech things to be upgraded and solved in coming weeks, but I did buy the 100 ft cord which enables a strong enough signal  to set

What Story Are We Telling?

In the Echo newsletter on its way to you is a short blurb on the Rev. Molly Carlson, newly called to serve as the Conference Minister of the Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ (our denomination). I got to meet her on Zoom a few weeks back and am SO EXCITED about the

The Kingdom Is Like-

Among other pictures and metaphors, the Scripture for this week suggests the kingdom of God (the way and work of God) is like a tiny mustard seed.  Tiny, but it grows and grows and grows. And the point from a series of metaphors is that God’s kingdom is NOT what we’d expect by our normal human