What Gives You Strength When You Need It?

On Wednesday night, Duane and I attended week two of the “Zoom Study” on Chronicles of Narnia with our friends from St. Peters’ UCC (Thanks to Rita for promoting!).   One thread that came up – the necessity of our “moral compass” and the sad reality that not all who name themselves Christian may actually be

Comfort, Comfort Now My People

Such a timeless cry. We could hear it as God calling US to comfort. Or, us calling upon God to comfort our people. Us. No shallow comforts will do. We need the deep and wise healing of our lives, our nation, our pandemics-stressed social fabric. I’ve been practicing saying pandemics in the plural because there

My Brain and Heart Are Full

Grateful. Spinning. Centered. Diversely directed. Worried. Trusting. Connected. Solitary.  Yeah, pretty much everything. In the midst of great planning needs, a simple song broke through to my personal worship this day.  “His Name is Wonderful”. Do you know it?   If not, check out this video.  It invites me to go deeper into what I really

A Simple Hope

May the meditations of gratitude for all those who have served our country, with hopes to support its best ideals, be honored. We are mindful in this past week of veterans specifically. As you think of all those in your circle who gave in that way–maybe including yourself–may the work, sacrifice, and long-term cost be recognized. May

No Matter Who Wins the Election…

So much is at stake in this election season.  So much is at stake, and to make matters harder we have great division about WHAT is at stake.  As I write, we do not yet know the outcome of the Presidential election, but we all know the intensity of our own and fellow citizens desires

Manna for This Moment

For a couple reasons, “manna in the wilderness” is on my mind. If you don’t know what that is, and what follows doesn’t help, just google it. One reason: I’ve been using the idea of “crumbs” a lot in recent devotional moments. Sometimes I just have crumbs to offer. You, too. And Jesus takes our


Why a “Festival of the Dead”? We need it. “Totenfest” is the name in German for the worship activities which honor the departed, and doing so in a way that is both thankful remembrance AND tender eternal connection. It’s a human instinct for the well-being we know in tending wholesome ties to our ancestors and

Pastor Jacki Is a Groupie

Carla too.  Just when you thought you nailed me as square as heck, living under a rock, etc… Yes, I/we are groupies.  Whenever folksinger Carrie Newcomer is within range, off we go.  Have seen her more than a dozen times, for sure. So many Pre-COVID memories to savor! And to hope for as we all

For the Beauty of This Place

That could be the first line of the next verses of the beloved hymn “For the Beauty of the Earth” which we’ll enjoy tomorrow. A highlight of my week was showing two of the Tuesday kids the sanctuary, and hearing/seeing/feeling a young 5-year old angel who saw it for the first time. ‘WOW! She exclaimed,