A Word from Pastor Jacki

Tonight’s theme for the Peace Dialogue is “Be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves,” an instruction from Jesus in Matthew 10.  This verse is one of a handful that have been much on my heart since the challenges of the coronavirus have been upon us. The wisdom needed to embrace today’s pain and unrest

Come Hungry

A clergy friend of mine taught me this, a word he always says when presiding at the Communion table.  “All that is required of you is that you come hungry.” Oh that we would abide in that invitation.  To know our hunger and feel our need.  For saving mercy and grace of Christ for sure.

A Word from Pastor Jacki

Oh, how we need communion. Communion at the rail. Kneeling with the protesters and first responders across the land.  Communion in the home. Humbled by Christ’s sacramental presence in every kind of home and for every kind of need. Communion in the land. Transformed lives poured out in love of neighbor, modeling the joy of

Savoring Peace in Corona Times

There is much to grieve and to worry about in this Day.  And, paradoxically, we can all name some of the “resets” of pace and space that we have a hunch may be for our long-term good.   The group who met for the new series “Peace in Corona Times” (Tuesdays, 7:30) brought that to life. 

A Word from “Down Below”

This past Thursday was Ascension Day, the day that many in the worldwide Church remember Christ’s Ascension as told in the first chapter of Acts.  I’ve always empathized with those left down below… what a roller coaster they’d just experienced!   Personally and pastorally, I’ve always clung to the wisdom (and challenge) of his preceding words… ‘It

Remembering and Giving

Dear Eden Family, As we shared in the Glorious Inheritance Easter Appeal… this fragile time of so many unknowns calls for the practices of what we know to do in faith. Like remembering and giving.  Your gifts and those of so many Eden supporters have been a rich blessing and sustain our hope in this

We Say “Yes”

My heart is full as I ponder the teamwork and presence of four leadership meetings this past week. The Worship Committee, Grant Oversight Team, Trustees and Council all met by zoom.  Watch for updates on these, as we work together to keep moving our Eden “BOAT” through uncharted waters with steadiness, flexibility and faith.  We’re

A Potluck of Worship Experience

Dear Eden Family, We’re hatching up a special potluck of a worship experience this Sunday at 10:00 a.m.  We’ll continue with zoom this week, and our experience will include a reflection on “Doubting Thomas” and his experience with the Lord after the resurrection.  We’ll lift First Responders by name in prayer, as we did Health

Emmaus Road

Dear Eden Family, Our first Eastertide story is the story of the pilgrims on Emmaus Road from Luke 24. Wandering around in grief and fear, they encounter the Lord (unawares).  It’s not until he breaks bread with them that they realize his presence, that it is him.  Join us Sunday morning for reflection together on this

Ready for Whatever Is Next!

Dear Eden Family,  You’re in my constant thoughts and prayers.  I’m camped out at the church most weekdays, inhabiting this holy space in a way that keeps me focused on you all as we inhabit our home spaces and the spaces between us (Zoom) in this strange time. The Eden Church Council had a very