The Rev. Jacki BelileHeaded back to Chicago, with this on my mind and heart. Let there be light.

It echoes from Genesis 1, and begs me believe that a Loving Creator is creating light still.

It reminds of a glorious word spoken often by President Obama — a call for there to be “more light than heat.” Or, as I’ve taken it… a call to self-examination that whatever I offer to conversations, sermons, decision-making, community involvement be more like light than mere heat.

It echoes from COVID Time, when I discovered Steph MacLeod’s music (circa summer 2020 and Eden Zoom Worship Video Searches).  Oh, this song of the same title – “Let There Be Light” – has been a good companion ever since.  

It anchors me as I prepare to do my part for worship this week, and to invite us to think about our words. They can indeed be like fire, as James 3 says. And sometimes offer light.  They can be the inner fires of resentment and rivalry, as they were for Cain.  But also can shine the inner light for freedom rather than fear and violence.  

As I ponder our life together, our solo and family paths, our churches’ path, our nation’s great turmoil, I find myself praying from the depths of my being… “Let There Be Light!”

Take a listen… is this not a HOLY WORD? Click HERE.

In Christ’s Peace,

Pastor Jacki