The Rev. Jacki Belile“Do you have a helpful word for the messed up world?” I randomly ask my coffee baristas this question, especially when I’m thinking about what I and you might need to hear:)

Daryl at a local coffee shop says “Stay positive. Stay engaged. Stay local. Stay focused at whatever level does not make you insane.”

Among other directions this might take us, I am thinking this moment about our “Labors of Love” traditions (named thus in last 8-9 years). Occasional. Focused. As brief as possible. Demonstrating goodwill and good teamwork, and that we don’t all have to carry everything. It’s my feeling that we experience a special joy in seeing God make plenty of our crumbs.  I think this Operating Principle is at work throughout our ministry, including in larger events and projects!  So, sign up for Pancake Breakfast roles, prep for the memorial service, help with the info table/tix sales at Copernicus Center tomorrow… bit by bit. At the right scale.

This makes me think of Gene Schnarr, as it seems everything does. All the small things that make us stitched together.  Love and duty, attention and devotion. Doing stuff in our special local sacred space not because it’s the stuff that matters but because it’s the PEOPLE that matter.  Thanks Gene – and all – for labors of love past, present and future!

In Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Jacki