The Rev. Jacki Belile“are met in Thee tonight.” 

Our Christmas Eve preparations are almost complete. Our sanctuary will be filled with our hopes and fears, our peace and hope and joy and love. Incredible music and a faith-full Word and a welcoming Table. Lighting candles (anyway!), we’ll worship in the reality of this Day.  The reality that “Jesus is the still point in a turning world.” (T.S. Eliot poem) 

The reality is that whatever we bring to the hour is met by the loving gaze in the Light of the world.  And that we are being given the power to become the children of God who can be Bearers of Light.

This service always seems to call me to a sense of connection to the saints present and past. May our joining of hearts bless the saints of the future too.  If you’re traveling or committed to other family obligations, we pray a blessing on your family time.  We warmly invite you to join on Zoom or to take in the recording this week.  

For the Good News,
Pastor Jacki