The Rev. Jacki BelileThat provocative quote has been circling around my heart and mind this week, including in conversations on true vs false peace (with Laurel and Sarah in Revelation book study) and worship planning on “comfort” of peace for this Sunday (with Linda and Laurel).  Attributed to an early 20th-century journalist, Dunne, in his columns of Peter Dooley’s wisdom, it’s also been attributed to lawyers, movie characters, folk singers and theologians. When you think about it, it has a certain compassion and justice-supporting vibe entirely Biblical.

It may or may not show up in complex detail in tomorrow’s message, but please ponder what this means to you. I can assure you that I pray regularly for the right kind of afflictions for myself and for you… the afflictions that do not harm us but change us – slowly and gently or in table-turning shock instances. That wake us up, that dissolve illusions, that tell us truths for our own good. 

And, I pray regularly for my and your COMFORT in these challenging times.  May we be comforted by the Reality that Emmanuel has come, that God is with us, and that it’s possible to learn to receive that Good News all the more fully each day. Rest in the truth of what is – there’s nothing that can possibly separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus (Romans 8).  And let us not forget the privileged call of sharing this comfort with others who need it! Our comfort is not meant for us alone…

In Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Jacki