The Rev. Jacki BelileDear Eden Family and Friends,

I write tonight to express my care for you and for all of our extended family and community as we process last night’s election of Donald J. Trump to be our 47th President.

On Sunday I opened our “Joys and Concerns” time with this excerpt from Carrie Newcomer, a wonderful folk singer whose leadership far exceeds the reach of her amazing lyrics. She shared this in anticipation of the election:

“I know that whatever happens that love is still the greatest power and that is how I will continue to orient my life. I know that I will continue to sing. I know I will continue to reach out and reach up. I know I will continue to try to repair what has felt so broken. I know that I will have to work on forgiveness for a long time. I know that no matter who wins this election, half this country will be angry or disappointed or grieving. I know whatever happens it will not be the last word. There will be push back and there will be movement forward. I know there is still a lot of work ahead—but that we have done hard things before and we will rise to this hard thing as well.

I know that I am not alone, I know that you are not alone, I know that we are all holding hands and instead of holding our breath… We can choose to be breathing together.

Let’s take another breath… and another…”

I abbreviated it there, but this is her closing: “Feel the support of this concerned and caring Gathering of Spirits. Feel the power of this risky but beautiful hope. Feel all the people working for that better, kinder, safer, more just world – including yourself.“

As today has unfolded, I’ve been in a number of settings (and received dozens of emails) where people of good will are processing their concerns of the election outcome’s dangerous impact on them and/or people they love and would protect. I’ve been in touch with others who feel relief at the outcome due to their commitments to policies they believe promise our nation security on a variety of fronts. I am aware that our surrounding world often defines these two categories of people as extremists, and perhaps even enemies. I am aware that for this reason, some people choose to not elaborate – even with loved ones – the depths of their feelings this day.

As I shared in last week’s Echo, I cannot go there (without a whole lot of critical thinking). My policy opponents are not my enemies. WE are in all this together. And there’s no wise way forward to greater peace and justice that does not recognize the heart concerns of all across the political spectrum. A few Scriptures emerge for me on this theme today:

1 Samuel 16:7 (ESV)–But the Lord said to Samuel…the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

1 Chronicles 28:9 (ESV)-–“And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will cast you off forever.

John 7:24 (ESV)-–”Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”

Today, I received another email from Carrie, with a simple link to her song “Sanctuary”. PLEASE TAKE A LISTEN. It reminds me of our Eden vision-casting on the theme “Embodying Sanctuary for a New Day.” One of those three threads is to BE “sanctuary people” for one another-–and for those around us–-in our need of welcome, safety and whatever “second chances” God wants to enable. Tonight as I replay it I desperately pray that we and our fellow citizens would beg God to shape us as sanctuary for one another.

Sanctuary work is not simplistic or easy, but it IS heart work. It IS God’s work when we come to see beneath the appearances of others’ choices and see their heart’s needs and hopes. It is GOSPEL work to share our hearts with one another in wise and Spirit-led ways. It is GOSPEL work to see one another with God’s eyes and to hear one another with God’s understanding ears. It IS good for OUR hearts and our whole lives when we come to know our own errors based in misplaced blame, unhealed grievances and willful ignorance. And, it is GOSPEL work when we stand up and work against any harmful or oppressive actions that harm God’s children. Sanctuary work is heart work, and it requires silence, prayer, listening, sharing and opening in the right time and right ways. Sanctuary work takes time and requires presence.

Zoom will be open each night this week at 9pm Central for anyone who wants to share and to pray together. If you ever want to share privately your own experiences and concerns about this historic and volatile time, I am here to listen and to pray with you. We’ll continue to seek opportunities to practice conversation in “In Good Company” dialogues.  We’ll continue to discover the many diverse ways we are each called to serve our neighbors in Jesus’ name in this time.

Under all these opportunities, is this call-–and my prayer-–from Proverbs 4:23-–

“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” Together, let us “keep” our hearts in these tender times. May they be strong and yet soft, guarded wisely that they might be open.

In Christ’s Peace,

Pastor Jacki