The Rev. Jacki BelileSo teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”  – Psalm 90:12

“The Lord is close to the broken hearted.” Psalm 34:18

Oh, how this week has hurt.  We’re tender, we’re in tears, we’re numb at the sudden death of our dear Gene following his stroke of August 8th. Together, we are grieving and will continue to do so. It’s important to make space to do so.  Whenever a loved one passes it can be very difficult; the shock of Gene’s passing and the inability to prepare and to communicate as we’d hope makes this especially hard.  

We’re grieving because of the special person and leader he’s been, and for many shared precious memories. We’re grieving the loss of an elder with key strength, connections and institutional memory among us.  We’re grieving lost opportunities for shared life upcoming.  

I am held together in these days by the warm presence of the good God who shared Gene with us. I am keenly aware of this good God’s invitation to not take a day for granted.  To number our days. To savor abundance and bless one another. EACH DAY. To be present, as Mike has been saying.  These thoughts are aiding me as I hurt with you all. And, greater than all these thoughts is the promised gift of peace and joy in the resurrection Gene now shares.  

God will see us through, one day at a time…let’s number them for wisdom, for love, for joy God intends as we live in the Spirit.

In Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Jacki