RHYTHMS CONTINUE…JOIN US SUNDAY AND HANG OUT A BIT WITH PROPHET ELIJAH who found himself in a valley of fatigue, despair and resentments… What happened? Angels ministered to him in sleep and food, and God met him in a new (silent) way for his rebooting. Do you carry burdens in wilderness time? Do you need a rest from drama or judgement? May this word bring encouragement for you…
We’ll miss Sarah’s good company this week, as she serves as guest preacher for our friends at Congregational Church of Jefferson Park. Below is a reflection from her for this week.
Finally… I want to lift a word of gratitude for David Angel, who was able to be our in-person representative at the national meeting for the Strategic Pastoral Excellence Program in Florida this week. (Carla and I attended on-line.) This is the final full gathering of pastors, spouses and lay leaders for a 3 year program of training and support on themes of financial wellness for pastor, family and church. We’ll share more on this gathering in a later setting.
In Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Jacki
“Over the past few weeks in worship we have talked about the need to pause and listen for God’s voice. That may look like learning to rest and take breaks, or as Pastor Jacki put it last week, taking the time to listen to God and sit down. Both of these paths lead us to take a moment to pause and listen for where God may be guiding us next.
Often during the school year I do not have much time to pause and step out of the normal flow of my day-to-day activity. Summer is the one time of year that I, and many others, have the time and space to take a break and step out of the ordinary. That is what I am trying to take the time to do this month. Last weekend I went to visit my dad’s family in Northwestern Illinois and in the coming weeks I’ll be helping to host my sister’s baby shower. I pray that in these closing weeks of summer before we gear back up for all that we have planned for Rally Week and beyond each of us will take a moment to pause and listen for the still speaking voice of God. I will see you back in person in worship on the 28th, if not before then on Zoom. Be well,