The Rev. Jacki Belile“Make them sit down” – This is what Jesus said at the blessing of the loaves and fishes. And then there was the creation of an extravagant meal through his grateful prayer and the crowds “time out” for sharing…

“Saved by sitting.” – this is the working title for my message this week. Let us work together to hear and share what we need to share in our spirits and with each other.  Sarah’s message on rest and Sabbath falls within this late summer season of exploring Biblical images of salvation — healing, rest, deliverance etc. 

A few pieces of sacred Scripture and the Serenity Prayer are speaking to me this week.  O for the wisdom to navigate between acceptance of what is unchangeable and courageous changing of what seems to be inevitable (but can and should be changed). O, for the wisdom to know what is the need of this moment, and what should (or, just can) wait.  O, for the wisdom to trust the One who provides and shows us how to trust, receive, and share.  The One who takes our insufficient crumbs, blesses them with gratitude and feeds the multitudes.

President Ed and I were discussing the difference between mere physical rest and the rest that is PEACE. We’re all learning this together.  Surely it requires a life rhythm that includes some form of “sitting down” and trusting and receiving.   

Let us be mindful of these things, and our common need and hunger as we gather at Christ’s Table this Sunday.

In Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Jacki