The Rev. Jacki BelileAlso, God uses them all for Divine purposes of encouragement, guidance and spiritual growth that glorifies the Holy and reveals the Love of Christ.

That’s why so many churches include a “Blessing of the Animals” in their services or outreach.  A few folks thought this seemed like a good idea. Amanda and Debi were willing to research and help plan. 

Please join us for a special World Communion Day tomorrow.  Our abbreviated service will include some meditation on God’s Guiding Presence through the animal kingdom, and an opportunity for attendees to show pictures or the real presence of beloved pets on zoom or at sanctuary.  Feel free to also  prepare a picture to share or name of a pet who has blessed you in the past and is no longer with you.

We’re experimenting tomorrow, I admit. As long as a crocodile doesn’t show up, I’ll be ok.  The shorter-than-usual service will conclude outdoors with a blessing outside, weather permitting. The Zoom line will remain open.

In Christ’s Peace
Pastor Jacki