That’s what I heard myself say as Erin and I discussed the latest email “phishing” attempt that led to some of receiving scammy requests from a fellow member’s email address. The inundating we face of people trying to scam and take advantage… it does set me on edge of compassion. Here’s the obligatory reminder:
We will NEVER ASK YOU to purchase anything like gift cards or make electronic financial transfers to Eden’s accounts or send info on your bank accounts. We will never ask you for passwords or personal/sensitive information.
Please be cautious when receiving these requests from friends and family, even if they seem legitimate. Make a phone call to that person to make sure it is real before every purchasing anything or giving out personal information!
NOW THAT THAT’S DONE… Don’t forget that people are not ONLY awful. 🙂 And, remember that God tends to the conversion of all hearts and lives so that we might know the joy of living in Christ’s reconciling and blessing life!
Peace and love,
Pastor Jacki