Rev. Jacki BelileThis is a time for dwelling in the present, as so much of planning for future is uncertain.  Please remember that there is a spiritual gift in being “forced” to focus on the present. I’ve been thinking and praying a lot on what I know in the present and trying to be faithful to those things.

One thing’s for sure: we can show up with heart in the present for each other.  Thanks to the Care Fellowship for their encouraging outreach this week, as well as a team of volunteers who’ve prepared to be of any practical and encouraging assistance in the coming weeks. Linda, Chris, Larry, Tanya, Maria, Clare and Rita have offered presence in this time.

Another way to be present: the brief hangouts each week. Tuesday dinner was a blessing, as was the inaugural prayer meeting.  Seven of us met in these alternative ways this week.  These will continue on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 6:30-7:00 p.m. (see below).

Please pray for the Council as we meet on Sunday evening for some mix of routine things and assessing wise steps to serve and steward Eden in this time.    And remember… this is the last Sunday in March.  We urge you to drop off or pay electronically whatever you’re led to contribute for March financial offerings.  Together, we’ll keep the BOAT steady as we sail on forward in faith.

In Christ’s Peace,