Respecting Our Elders, Growing Healthy Families, Blessing Our Children
5051 West Gunnison Street Chicago, IL 60630
773-283-5557 info@edenuccchicago.org
Worshiping Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
Eden Videos Zoom Information for Worship
Whoever you are, and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome at Eden United Church of Christ. You'll learn more on this site about who we are and where we are on our journey. We are already praying for you and asking how we might serve you and your loved ones.
Join Us for Our Second Century of Caring
Today, we're leaning into a second century with hope and commitment to build on the solid foundation they laid: a community called by Jesus Christ to meet the needs of its neighbors. Blessed by the legacies and lessons of the past, we are embracing the future by discerning how we can best be a blessing today. This means through our worship, study, and service of our neighborhood and beyond.
Oh, and our congregation is small, friendly, and serious about Faith, Food, and Fellowship. All are welcome! Please join us.