Respecting Our Elders, Growing Healthy Families, Blessing Our Children
5051 West Gunnison Street Chicago, IL 60630
773-283-5557 info@edenuccchicago.org
Worshiping Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
Bible Ministry

With fellow Christians across the diverse Body of Christ, we affirm the importance of Biblical literacy and taking the Scriptures seriously. This includes reading the Bible regularly, seeking to understand the context and intents of its authors, and grappling with its message for us personally and communally today.
Our Bible Ministry currently focuses on sharing resources for regular disciplined Bible reading. We also share supportive study tools which help to shed light on the Word.
Our readings for Sunday Worship usually follow the Revised Common Lectionary. You can subscribe here for Weekly Seeds, a free Bible Study based on the lectionary readings. You can also visit in-depth variety of sermons and study resources on these texts at www.textweek.com, a resource used by a wide variety of clergy.
We also regularly share the Reading Guide and commentary of Back to the Bible in The Echo Newsletter. This is a non-denominational worldwide Christian ministry. Their mission: ". . . using media and technology, we meet people at their own spiritual level and walk with them daily into a living, growing and passionate relationship with Jesus Christ by equipping and motivating them to engage Scripture daily."
Each of these resources is a gift from and for the wider, diverse Body of Christ. Eden's members represent a variety of understandings and approaches to Scripture; these resources are not representative of universally-held views among our members.