Respecting Our Elders, Growing Healthy Families, Blessing Our Children
5051 West Gunnison Street Chicago, IL 60630
773-283-5557 info@edenuccchicago.org
Worshiping Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
Our Staff

Jacki Belile

Pastor Jacki Belile is a native of North Dakota, she has lived in Chicago since 1990. After serving as Minister of Congregational Development since 2014, Jacki was called as Eden’s Pastor in 2018. A lifelong Baptist, Jacki has served the American Baptist community in various ways since 1992, and is glad to serve her "UCC Cousins" while ministering with Eden and its wider Church family.
Jacki brings a deep love for the local church, a natural respect for small churches, and an enthusiasm about the spiritual practices of being community. A recent favorite quote is “One of the soul’s greatest longings is for a sense of rootedness” (Simone Weil). She is convinced that people today hunger for the experiences of belonging and roots which the local church can provide, if it faithfully lives out Christ’s grace for today’s needs.
At Eden, Jacki is leading the way in discerning new neighborhood relationships, outreach ministries, and adult spiritual education. She was ordained in the American Baptist Churches—USA, is a certified life coach, and is the author of the forthcoming book Forgive for Life: Finding the Way Forward. Jacki is available to pray for your joys and concerns. Your request will be held in absolute confidence.
You may Jacki at jacki@edenuccchicago.org

Sarah Foster

Sarah grew up in the western suburbs of Chicago and is a native of the UCC. She left the Chicago-land area to attend Hope College in Holland, Michigan. Then returned to Chicago to begin her graduate studies. She received her masters in social work from Aurora University in the spring of 2022 and continues with her master of divinity studies at the Chicago Theological Seminary.
Sarah first came to Eden as part of a field placement internship in the fall of 2021. She then transitioned to be the Minister of Community Care in July of 2022 after the conclusion of that placement. She has a great love for the local church and the communities that surround them. She is excited to be a part of this season of life at Eden as it grows and strengthens connections within the congregation and with the Jefferson Park neighborhood.
You may email Sarah at sarah@edenuccchicago.org